

The Start of Happiness is about helping individuals and organisations reach their full potential.

Happiness leads to success and it’s not the other way around.

I work with both individuals and organisations by providing workshops on a select few topics to help you and those around you succeed.


For Individuals:

Training for individuals is done completely virtually. I provide video training on the below topics:

  • Happiness
  • Goal-setting
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Productvity

Workshops will be announced on The Start of Happiness at least 2 weeks prior and are usually 1 to 2 hrs in length.


For Organisations:

I work with business leaders and HR professionals in supporting employee wellbeing at work. I provide training, facilitation and can support with team-building activities.

Workshops I currently run for organisations include:

  • Happiness at work
  • Personal Mastery
  • Presentation Skills


For further information on workshops, please contact me on or +61 412 474 130


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