About the Start of Happiness

Hi there and welcome to The Start of Happiness!

“Happiness IS, and OUGHT TO BE, our ultimate end.” – Tal Ben-Shahar


Happiness in life is success in life.

To me, I believe happiness is derived from:

  • Making a difference
  • Doing what you love
  • Surrounding yourself with amazing people

This is what I teach through the Start of Happiness… helping you to make a difference and an income doing what you love.

If you can build a life around your passions and make a living doing so, why not? The Start of Happiness is about helping you build your own lifestyle in which you are absolutely passionate, excited and happy to do what you love every day. I like to call this going from passion to profit.

Everything we do in life, from when we wake up in the morning till we go to sleep at night, is the life that we get to create for ourselves.

How do you want to lead your life?

Everything you do, you do to bring some happiness into your life. And if not, then why not?

What feeling is greater than happiness? Love? Success? Courage? All of these feelings LEAD to happiness!


“People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be.” – Abraham Lincoln


Happiness is a feeling. It is a feeling that you can live everyday and forever for the rest of your life. It’s simply about your choice and whether you choose to be happy.

The Start of Happiness exists to provide you the strategies and tools to be able to do the things you love, more often. It is about understanding yourself, understanding your passions, defining your goals and staying motivated to enable you to reach your full potential.


Why happiness?


  1. Happiness leads to positive thinking and clarity of mind.
  2. Positive thinking and clarity of mind lead to higher performance.
  3. Higher performance leads to greater success in life.
  4. Greater success in life leads to bigger rewards.
  5. Bigger rewards lead to enhanced and sustained happiness.

The Start of Happiness is not just about sustaining a ‘positive feeling’… it is about CHANGING YOUR LIFE, reaching peak performance, achieving huge success, building a business or career around your passion and living a more fulfilling life.

The above diagram is our Happiness Model, which you can read more about here.


Now is the time to Start the Happiness and live your most fulfilling and successful life!

First things first, sign-up below and get access to the Passion to Profit toolkit, your starters guide for turning your passion into profits and living an absolutely amazingly happy and fulfilling life.


“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” – Mahatma Gandhi


Why is The Start of Happiness for you?

The Start of Happiness is a place for community – where anyone from anywhere in the world can share what they have learned about happiness, success, passion and how they apply this to their everyday life.

The Start of Happiness is a place for action – where you will be challenged regularly to pursue your passions, set goals and build a lifestyle that you love.

The Start of Happiness is a place for learning – where you will be able to find resources, guides and exercises to help you build a business around your passion and learn how to create a more satisifying, fulfilling and ultimately happy and successful life.

The Start of Happiness is a place of fun! Simple as that!


Simply put, The Start of Happiness is about pursuing excellence in life.


I received an email from a reader, Mark Trezona, over in London who found out about the Start of Happiness before it was even launched. His email was so encouraging and reinforced that this is something that the world is going to want to be a part of. Mark summed up what he thought the Start of Happiness will be about and he absolutely nailed it on the head! Here’s a snippet of what Mark sent to me:

Love that you are called The Start of Happiness – just like ‘learning’, happiness is something to be always aspiring and working towards.
Love that you are talking about ‘tools’ – things, by definition, that we use to make something or fix something with.
Love that you are talking about ‘changing the world one smile at a time‘ – incremental revolution fuelled by inclusion, involvement and winning hearts and minds (rather than provocation and outrage).

The Start of Happiness is about you. This is not my site, this is your site, and I would love for you to become part of this by firstly joining the fun, and secondly becoming a regular contributor either through sharing your thoughts in the comments or sharing your story or learnings as a post.

About Brendan – The Super Short Version

After going through some grueling life experiences, I decided that I would dedicate my life to learning everything I can about “life optimisation” and teaching that to others.

I believe in the power of the mind, and that everyone can make the choice to be happy, successful and pursue their passion. How good would it be if every single person on this planet woke up super-excited, enthused and happy. Imagine how the world would look and feel. My ultimate dream is for everyone, and I mean EVERYONE in the world to live an absolutely awesomely happy, successful and fulfilling life. HOW GOOD WOULD THAT BE?!

To read a little bit more about me and why I’m on my mission, head over to read my story.

Getting Started

The first thing that I would encourage you to do is read a few fundamental and important posts about Starting the Happiness and achieving success in your own life.

The first thing is to understand your values. Know what REALLY drives you and gets your juices flowing. What is it that really motivates you and gets you out of bed every morning? Discover what your top 10 values are in your life.

Secondly, as a starting point it is important to know how happy and successful you are now by completing our Wheel of Life tool. If you think about your life now, how satisfied are you in the different areas of your life and how balanced would you say you are across each of them? Are you spending enough time in all areas of your life or are some things slipping by?

Thirdly, you need to know how to take action. Is there anything currently holding you back? Break out of your comfort zone and take a step into unknown territory and learn and experience new things.

Lastly, you need to gain an insight into what habits can help make you absolutely happy. If you can embed these habits into your daily life, then there’s no doubt you will be living a super-happy life.


Read them now:

1) Understanding Your Values

2) Wheel of Life – A Self-Assessment Tool

3) How to Expand Your Comfort Zone 

4) The 43 Habits of Absolutely Happy People


Additional Foundational Articles:

1) The Happiness Model – Why Finding Happiness is NOT the Way

2) Why Now Is The Time To Change Your Life – The Life and Happiness Survey Results

3) What is Personal Mastery – a Look Into Personal Development From a New Perspective

4) The Ultimate Guide to Healthy Eating – Including the Key Secret Ingredient 

5) How to Build Self-Awareness and Achieve Success Using the Johari Window

6) 27 Experts Share Their Thoughts on Starting Happiness in Their Own Lives


Take the Pledge 

How committed are you to Starting the Happiness in your own life and making a difference in the world around you? Commit to a super-happy and successful life by taking the pledge.


Access the Success Starter toolkit

The Success Starter  toolkit is your free online resource to help you build a grounding for turning your passion into profits and to live your most fulfilling life.

The Success Starter toolkit is something that will expand over time. When new information, guides and materials are produced, they will be located in the toolkit for you to have free access to.


Contribute to the Start of Happiness

The Start of Happiness is a place for community – where anyone from anywhere in the world can share what they have learned about happiness, success and business and how they apply this to their everyday life.

If you have a story to tell, some great personal development advice or have learned a way of turning your passion to profits, then I (and the world) would love to hear from you. You don’t have to be an expert blogger or writer. This is a place of sharing real-life experiences and learnings with people from all over the world. If you would like to spread the happiness and share your story or your thoughts, I would love to share your contribution on the Start of Happiness.


Get Daily Inspirational Quotes and Images

Our Facebook Page is jam-packed with awesome inspirational quotes and images for you to find each day.

Be sure to bookmark the url and check in every morning to give you awesome motivation throughout the day.


Launch Your Life with Real Actionable Strategies and Tools

Launch Your Life Academy

Our flagship Launch Your Life Academy will help you to:

  • Gain clarity on where you are currently spending your time and energy
  • Gain clarity on what matters most to you in life
  • Gain clarity on your life purpose. What is the legacy you want to leave and what does your ideal life look like.
  • Create a clear, actionable plan that will help you live out your passion on a daily basis.
  • Create your most sophisticated, detailed and action-oriented goals you have ever made.
  • Create and find the tools and support necessary to ensure you reach your goals.
  • Create daily habits that will help you live more successfully and happy.
  • Take action, remain motivated and stick to your plans.

You can check out the Launch Your Life Academy here.


Join The Fun

There are a tonne of reasons why you should bookmark The Start of Happiness. The biggest reason is that it could change your life.

Let’s Connect!

Want to just drop me a line?

Feel free to join The Start of Happiness on Facebook
Follow on Twiiter @Brendan_Baker
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You can email me direct at brendan@startofhappiness.com

Want to contribute your own posts and topics to the Start of Happiness? I’d love to get you involved! Simply contact me via one of the methods above or head over here.


“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” – Dalai Lama

Get your Free Change Your Life Starter Course

Get instant access to the first four modules of my Change Your Life course - packed with over 50 pages of guides, exercises, tools, and templates to help you design and start living your best life.