Write For Us

Do You Want to Write for The Start of Happiness?

If you have a story to tell or some great advice to share, then I (and the world) would love to hear from you.

Our topics focus on both online business and high performance with our target audience being those that are turning their passions into profits.

Our Authors Have Been Featured In

  • The Huffington Post
  • Forbes
  • BBC World News
  • Problogger
  • Copyblogger
  • Lifehacker
  • Lifehack
  • Zenhabits
  • and many other places

Want to join us?

As at January 2017, The Start of Happiness has:

Monthly Readers: 50,000
Countries reached: 189
Subscribers: Over 13,500

How to Submit?

  1. Submit your article to brendan@startofhappiness.com in Word format. I will not reply to people asking “can I contribute” or “what do you think of these topics?” Just submit the article so I can review.
  2. Only posts that comply with the below guidelines will be reviewed.

General guidelines:

1. Posts should provide quality, actionable advice. Best articles include personal stories, case studies and data.
2. Posts must be 100% original to The Start of Happiness (i.e. found nowhere else on the web or in print)
3. Posts must be for one of the below categories:

  • Online Business & Entrepreneurship
  • High Performance (Habits, Mindset, Goals, Productivity etc)

4. You can write a 2-3 line bio which includes a hyperlink back to your blog, website, etc. Links in the body of the article will be removed. Please keep links to your website and profile in your bio.
5. If you want your photo included in your post, please ensure your photo is linked to your email at gravatar.com
6. In-depth, structured and actionable epic posts will be prioritized highly


Posts should provide a clear takeaway or learning for readers. Please use headings, sub-headings, bullets or lists to help structure your writing and make it easier for the reader.

Here’s an example of some of our best performing articles:


If your article performs well (strong views, social shares and/or comments), I will email it directly to our 13,000 subscribers.

All in all, please just make sure your writing is honest, researched and adds value to our community.

Kind regards,




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