Update: The Best Personal Development Blogs for 2016 have just been released!
It’s back!
To kick off the New Year in style we bring you the best self-improvement blogs for 2014. In fact, we bring you the Top 100!
But firstly, I hope you had an absolutely fantastic night to bring in 2014. I was down at Sydney Harbour, Australia to witness some absolutely spectacular fireworks. Now that we’re beginning a brand new year it’s the perfect time to launch your life, regain focus on what you truly want in life and really start to make things happen.
Last year we brought you the official Top 100 Personal Development Blogs of 2013 and now it’s time to repeat the process and bring you the best blogs for 2014!
Being a student of the personal development industry most of my life, I’m always on the lookout for the latest and greatest resources to not only implement into my own life but to also share with those around me. Since I’ve been running my own business I’ve fallen more and more into the well of personal development and self-improvement and I absolutely love it! With the internet now a common place for everyone and the ‘free economy’ being born, it’s amazing to know that what was once hidden from the majority of people and limited to a select few people paying $5,000 to access information at a weekend seminar, this information is now mostly widely available for free on the internet or at least at a much more affordable price.
The key to all this information is being able to pull what’s relevant for you and being able to apply that information in a systematic and successful way that will lead you towards your desired life.
The Best Self-Improvement Blogs for 2014
I feel honoured to know that over the last couple of years I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know a lot of the blog owners in this list and share some great experiences with them. I can certainly say that I’m highly impressed with all of their work!
The tricky thing about putting together a Top 100 list is the subjective nature that it can have. To avoid this, I’ve decided to not include any of my own opinions or judgments and let pure metrics speak for themselves.
What I have provided is a list of personal development blogs that rank from the ‘biggest’ with the most traffic to the ‘smallest’. This list will provide you a clear indicator of how large a website is and its relative importance.
One thing to keep in mind, however, is that the larger the site does not necessarily indicate that the site is of better quality. Generally, you will find that the larger sites have been around for longer and have more articles being crawled by Google and larger subscription bases. In saying that, the top sites have lasted the test of time and continue to have strong readership so they must be doing something right!
A Key Note of Change from Last Year:
Last year we had a number of sites that have multiple authors contributing to the site. I have decided to remove these sites from this years Top 100 as they are more ‘commercial’ in nature and not really sites that I would classify as a ‘blog’. There are sites still in this Top 100 that do have multiple authors, however the key difference is that in the Top 100 list the blog owner is still the main, active contributor to the website and they are the primary person that you will be learning from.
The sites removed from this years list are below. I have included them in this section as they are still fantastic resources to learn from and are also great guest posting sites for those that would like to write an article on another site.
- Dumb Little Man
- Pick the Brain
- Tiny Buddha
- LifeHack
- Change Your Thoughts
- The Change Blog
- Addicted2Success
- FinerMinds
- MindBodyGreen
Yes, we do accept Guest Posts here on The Start of Happiness too. You can check out our guidelines and submit your articles here.
The thing about these multiple author sites is that it starts to blur the boundary between a ‘blog’ and a ‘magazine’… something for me to consider in future years.
How to Use This List
This is YOUR LIST. The list of the best self-improvement blogs have been put together for you to browse through and find the two or three blogs out there that really resonate with you. We all have different goals and life experiences and we are also currently experiencing a range of different situations or circumstances in life. For this reason, there is a wide variety of blogs on the list, including business, career and work, happiness, health, productivity and more. The one thing in common is that they all are themed around self-improvement.
My recommendation to you is to browse through each of the blogs below at least once and then pick out the two or three blogs that really resonate with you. Which blogs are most closely aligned to what you want to achieve in life? Which author has accomplished something that you would like to accomplish? Which blogs are helping you right now in your life and also in the future?
Make sure you enter your name and email to download your free success starter toolkit with practical guides, exercises and tools to launch your life. Let this be the start of something amazing for you.
Please don’t hesitate to bookmark this page. It’s a fantastic resource that can serve you well all throughout the year of 2014 and as you face new challenges or gain new experiences, there may be some other blogs on the list that become more relevant for you.
How The Top 100 Self-Improvement Blogs are Ranked
The Top 100 Self-Improvement Blogs are ranked in order from the ‘biggest’ with the most traffic to the ‘smallest’ (although the smallest in this case is still a Top 100 Blog!)
There are two primary tools that have been used for determining this ranking.
Firstly, I have used the Alexa rank of the website as the primary ranking method. Alexa provides a relative ranking of each website based on the number of visitors it receives. A rank of 100,000 would mean that the site is the 100,000th most visited site on the internet. With the millions and millions of websites on the internet, such a ranking is classified as pretty good! Just so you know, Google’s rank is #1, Facebook is ranked #2 and YouTube is ranked #3. The Top 100 Self-Improvement Blogs are ranked by Alexa scores (as of January 2014).
Secondly, I have included Google Page Rank. Google Page Rank is one of the tools Google uses to determine a sites relative importance. This is done primarily by how many quality backlinks the website has. Generally, a score of 4 or higher represents the site is of relative importance. The Top 100 Self-Improvement Blogs are not ranked by Google Page Rank, however I have included the PageRank of each blog for you to utilise if you wish (you can filter by this).
The accuracy of these tools has always been questionable when it comes to the detail, however when comparing more generally the relative size of a site they are pretty accurate and very useful indicators. That is, the larger and more tafficked sites will always tend to be ranked higher.
Want to know what’s really cool? The Top 100 table is dynamic, meaning you can search for your favourite blog and see what it’s ranked and sort by any column, such as page rank or alphabetical order. This is your list. Make it so!
Without further ado, let me introduce you to the Best Personal Development Blogs for 2014!
The Winners
If your blog is one of the Top 100, you have the honour of displaying the following badge on your site. This is the most comprehensive list of personal development blogs currently on the internet and I’m honoured to have you as part of this! Simply use the code provided below to add it to your site.
Code to link to this page with badge on your website:
<a href=”https://www.startofhappiness.com/top-100-self-improvement-blogs-2014″><img src=”https://www.startofhappiness.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/top-100-self-improvement-blog.png”></img></a>
(you may need to replace the inverted commas – “” on your own site for the image to work).
[sociallocker id=”3837″]https://www.startofhappiness.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Top-100-Self-Improvement-Blogs-2014.pdf[/sociallocker]
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Top 100 Self Improvement Blogs 2014
Rank Website URL Owners' Name Alexa Rank PageRank
1 Four Hour Work Week fourhourworkweek.com Tim Ferriss 4,915 6
2 Brain Pickings http://www.brainpickings.org/ Maria Popova 6,496 7
3 ZenHabits zenhabits.net Leo Babauta 8,844 6
4 Michael Hyatt's Intentional Leadership michaelhyatt.com Michael Hyatt 11,724 5
5 Marc and Angel Hack Life marcandangel.com Marc and Angel 13,105 5
6 Steve Pavlina stevepavlina.com Steve Pavlina 13,695 5
7 Nerd Fitness nerdfitness.com Steve Kamb 15,627 4
8 Mark Manson markmanson.net Mark Manson 30,086 4
9 Aha-Now! aha-now.com Harleena Singh 31,173 3
10 penelopetrunk.com penelopetrunk.com Penelope Trunk 32,308 4
11 Location 180 seanogle.com Sean Ogle 33,225 5
12 Live Your Legend liveyourlegend.net Scott Dinsmore 37,611 4
13 chrisguillebeau.com chrisguillebeau.com Chrisguille Beau 41,018 5
14 Marie Forleo marieforleo.com Marie Forleo 41,971 5
15 Danielle LaPorte daniellelaporte.com Danielle LaPorte 45,309 4
16 Paid to Exist paidtoexist.com Jonathan Mea 63,527 5
17 Becoming Minimalist becomingminimalist.com Joshua Becker 64,979 4
18 The Positivity Blog positivityblog.com Henrik Edberg 66,261 5
19 Scott H Young scotthyoung.com/blog Scott Young 66,466 5
20 A Daring Adventure adaringadventure.com Tim Brownson 69,643 4
21 Tynan tynan.com Tynan 71,243 4
22 Personal Excellence personalexcellence.co Celestine Chua 74,416 4
23 The Bridge Maker thebridgemaker.com Alex Blackwell 78,339 4
24 Raptitude raptitude.com David Cain 79,676 4
25 Purpose Fairy purposefairy.com Luminita D. Saviuc 80,717 4
26 White Dove Books - Inspiration whitedovebooks.co.uk Will Edwards 83,414 4
27 Derek Sivers sivers.org Derek Sivers 87,734 5
28 The Happiness Project happiness-project.com Gretchen Rubin 91,442 6
29 Jonathan Fields jonathanfields.com Jonathan Fields 96,425 5
30 Prolific Living prolificliving.com Farnoosh Brock 110,040 3
31 Start of Happiness startofhappiness.com Brendan Baker 110,553 4
32 Blog of Impossible Things joelrunyon.com Joel Runyon 115,853 4
33 Wake Up Cloud wakeupcloud.com Henri Junttila 120,976 4
34 Life Optimizer lifeoptimizer.org Donald Latumahina 122,517 5
35 Soul Speak jodichapman.com Jodi Chapman 125,390 3
36 Think Simple Now thinksimplenow.com Tina Su 130,762 5
37 Powered by Intuition poweredbyintuition.com Angela Artemis 135,144 3
38 Inspired Gift Giving inspiredgiftgiving.com Marquita Herald 144,350 3
39 Reflecting A Life reflectingalife.com Elle Sommer 157,523 1
40 Vidya Sury vidyasury.com Vidya Sury 158,752 3
41 The Bold Life theboldlife.com Tess Marshall 164,016 3
42 Life Long Learner life-longlearner.com Scott Britton 168,141 3
43 Live Bold and Bloom liveboldandbloom.com Barrie Davenport 171,174 4
44 Soul Seeds soulseeds.com Ian Lawton 171,775 3
45 Healthy Lifestyle Living healthylifestylesliving.com Larry Lewis 174,083 2
46 The Emotion Machine theemotionmachine.com Steven Handel 175,214 4
47 Simona Rich simonarich.com Simona Rich 178,697 3
48 Advanced Life Skills advancedlifeskills.com Jonathan Wells 179,203 5
49 Alden Tan alden-tan.com Alden Tan 180,123 3
50 In Pursuit of Happiness inpursuitofhappiness.net Britt Reints 182,169 5
51 Develop Good Habits developgoodhabits.com SJ Scott 188,382 1
52 Advanced Riskology advancedriskology.com Tyler Tervooren 201,815 4
53 Morty Lefkoe mortylefkoe.com Morty Lefkoe 206,338 3
54 Be More With Less bemorewithless.com Courtney Carver 222,497 4
55 Self Stairway selfstairway.com Vincent Nguyen 226,526 3
56 Good Life Zen goodlifezen.com Mary Jaksch 230,207 5
57 Positive Provocations positiveprovocations.com Zeenat Merchant-Syal 241,358 3
58 The 30-Year Old Ninja 30yearoldninja.com Izmael Arkin (Izzy) 247,305 2
59 Victor Schueller victorschueller.com Victor Schueller 268,306 2
60 Sensophy sensophy.com Jacob Sokol 269,166 3
61 Dragos Roua dragosroua.com Dragos Roua 292,850 4
62 Deliberate Receiving deliberateblog.com Melody Fletcher 296,896 2
63 Life After College lifeaftercollege.org/blog Jenny Blake 297,524 4
64 Breath of Optimism breathofoptimism.com Donald Dulin 316,878 3
65 The Un-Lost theunlost.com Therese Schwenkler 323,530 3
66 Simple Mindfulness simplemindfulness.com Paige Burkes 327,792 3
67 Sebastian Marshall sebastianmarshall.com Sebastian Marshall 339,183 4
68 Wired for Success wiredforsuccess.tv Beryl and Mel 339,865 2
69 Sid Savara sidsavara.com Sid Savara 346,065 4
70 Always Well Within alwayswellwithin.com Sandra Pawula 353,520 3
71 Your Life Your Way yourlifeyourway.net Tia Sparkles 362,555 3
72 Abundance Tapestry abundancetapestry.com Evelyn Lym 368,359 5
73 The Possibility of Today possibilityoftoday.com Sibyl Chavis 379,143 4
74 Forward Steps forwardstepsblog.com Thea Westra 391,434 2
75 Deva Coaching devacoaching.com Sandi Amorim 391,882 2
76 Positively Present positivelypresent.com Dani DiPirro 395,078 4
77 Rowdy Kittens rowdykittens.com/blog Tammy Strobel 402,316 4
78 Get Motivation getmotivation.com Josh Hinds 421,120 4
79 The Zen Mama's Blog zen-mama.com Betsy Henry 442,999 2
80 Deep Existence deepexistence.com Stephen Guise 449,210 3
81 Positive Writer positivewriter.com Bryan Hutchinso 475,132 3
82 Jo Casey jocasey.com Jo Casey 488,121 1
83 Shake Off the Grind shakeoffthegrind.com Joe Wilner 516,567 3
84 Everyday Bright everydaybright.com Jennifer Gresham 520,112 3
85 My Super Charged Life mysuperchargedlife.com Jeff Nickles 526,231 3
86 Bounce thebounceblog.com Bobbi Emel 538,527 3
87 The One Question theonequestion.com/blog Peep Laja 560,118 3
88 Life Without Pants lifewithoutpants.com Matt Cheuvront 571,228 4
89 Infinite Evolution Center infiniteevolutioncenter.com Stephanie Mulac 577,528 2
90 Meant to be Happy meanttobehappy.com Ken Wert 636,334 3
91 The Self Improvement Blog theselfimprovementblog.com Irene Conlan 690,257 3
92 Making Motivation makingmotivation.com Romane Stewart 712,314 2
93 Craig Harper craigharper.com.au Craig Harper 713,891 4
94 No More Holding Back nomoreholdingback.com Larry Hochman 751,825 1
95 Psycholocrazy psycholocrazy.com Jamie Flexman 809,000 2
96 Inspiration From The Heart suziecheel.com Suzie Cheel 900,800 3
97 Make It Happen arvinddevalia.com/blog Arvind Devalia 1,022,626 4
98 Life for Instance lifeforinstance.com Lori Gosselin 1,030,445 3
99 Optimistic Lifestyle oplife.org Roman Soluk 1,098,877 3
100 Happier Human happierhuman.com Amit Amin 1,104,548 2
101 Lucid Ability lucidability.com Jamie Alexander 1,112,247 2
[sociallocker id=”3837″]https://www.startofhappiness.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Top-100-Self-Improvement-Blogs-2014.pdf[/sociallocker]
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Over to You!
Now, it’s over to you to find the blogs that are right for you, learn and apply the knowledge provided and start living your most inspiring and desired life.
Do you know of a blog that you think should be on this list? Let me know!
- What’s your favourite blog?
- Which ones do you get the most value from?
- Where are you learning how to live a better life?
I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!
Here’s to making 2014 your best year yet!
P.S. Do you know of someone that would love to see this list? Please share it via the buttons below
P.P.S. Don’t forget that the doors to the Launch Your Life Academy are reopening shortly! This is the training experience you have always wanted to ensure you stay focused, motivated and energised towards living your most successful and fulfilling life. Last time we opened we sold out fast so make sure you join the waiting list.
Update: The Best Personal Development Blogs for 2015 have just been released!
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very nice article thanks
top notch, state of the art!
Thanks for putting together this list, I am going to check out a lot of them!
Thank you very much!
This is inspiring, I just started my blog on personal Development. http://www.selfmetamorphosis.com/. Will be learning form you:)
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Hello great list, it has been booked marked for future reading. I have a self help site myself, hopefully I will see it on your list one day.
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I love the direction your site is taking, I liked your old site, but this new version is much more professional than a simple blog.
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Hey Brendan,
Great job compiling another massive resource full of very cool blogs. Thanks very much for including me also.
I love the direction your site is taking btw. I liked your old site, but this new version is much more professional than a simple blog.
Recently I have been trying to find a good self-help blog. This list is really helpful! I really like how you ranked them. Thank you so much!
I reserve the right to change this opinion entirely, but my initial reaction to this website before having visited a single blog on the list is this: One of the skills that I most need to improve is time management, particularly regarding my time spent online. For me at least, but I suspect this may be true for a good portion of your readers, an uncategorized list of the top 100 self improvement blogs is a cruelly ironic oxymoron (not quite the proper use of that word, but it conveys the intended meaning adequately). One hundred?!? Just opening a browser tab for each blog on the list and not spending any time actually reading the content, would consume most or all of the time that I have available for self-improvement. I’m already drowning in too many choices. I suppose its helpful to have a top 100 list, but it’d be even more useful if the list were whittled down to the 5 or 10 best of the best. (Also, the pop ups are annoying.)
Wow what a great list Brendan!! Thank you so much for compiling this. These websites are really inspirational and gives me motivation to keep writing. I’m definitely sharing this list with my family & friends!
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This is an awesome list. I am just starting out with my own blog http://www.bestselfology.com and these are giving me much inspiration.
Thank you so much for putting it together.
Very useful list! You should have included your blog as well!
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Thank you so much for sharing. It is a constant battle with me fighting depression, so I love reading personal development articles / blogs.
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Thank you for compiling this list! You are awesome! 🙂
Really really good list but maedre.com isn’t here 🙁
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Wow what a list. Just found your site this late in the year, so many good sites on there. I look forward to your 2015 list, I am sure it will be out in a few weeks.
Rock on
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Very nice collections and I hope that you include my website about Mind Power.
Thanks for your effort and sharing this wonderful website list!
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I’m excited to have found this post. There’s about 50 or 60 here I never even heard of. I’ll be up all night!
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Muy interesante tener un listado de blogs sobre temáticas similares y que destacan en la misma función a realizar sobre el ser humano….ayudarlo y orientarlo.
Un saludo
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Thanks for such list. This list helps me to see how other personal blogs do. I wish even my blog will be one of the list in 2015 or 2016. My blog is http://www.gridchat.net . Thanks once again for this list, we are going to learn from them. Let us all keep on doing our work on helping people understand the life in this wicked world. Thank you so much, keep the good work.
Just stopped by to say a big “Thanks”, for the time and effort you put into this Top-100 Self-Improvement Blog. For those in the personal development niche, these are the places you want to engage and connect with.
super thorough list. Thanks!
Very inspirational blogs. I hope one day my blog will get listed here. One of the best self help blog. thanks!
This list is great!
Awesome list – as an avid reader of personal development blogs, I thought I knew all of them but there are some great new ones here. Looking forward to digging into them!
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Hi Brendan,
This is awesome! Not only that you have opened the doors to the most help websites that anyone can find, you have actually made an effort to rank them. Absolutely a great job! 🙂
I am very sure all the people that have worked hard to put up articles everyday to help others improve and follow a growing path deserves to be on the top 100. Personally, I have been following some of the websites on this list and I am very happy for them to be recognize for their efforts of changing the world through their thoughts.
More power Brendan to you and keep up the awesome work.
JR Villapena
Wow Brendan – What a kick ass list of Personal Development sites.
This is some serious motivation for anyone looking to set up their own sites.
I find that in this day an age, we can no longer live in mediocrity. We have to start being the best we can be to stand out from the crowd and make the difference.
Thanks for the awesome website!
Looking forward to your content in the future!
Carl 🙂
really nice list. Discovered few new blogs, which will start following for sure 🙂
Great list! Thanks for taking the time to pull this together.
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Hey Brendan,
Great list! Thanks for taking the time to pull this together.
I just checked my rankings and I come in at 600,809 on Alexa so maybe one day I’ll make it onto your list! My blog is http://www.Simplelifestrategies.com 🙂
Thanks again for this great list – I already follow many of these (and I regularly contribute for Lifehack, Mindbodygreen and Tinny buddha).
Have an AMAZING week 🙂
Zoe B
What a great list, I love it! Thank you so much for putting this all together. I am currently going through all of them now and get inspiration to my own blog. I really hope that one day I can see my blog http://www.crazierlife.com in a list like this.
BIG thumbs up!
David from Hungary
I find that Physioprescription.com is a great self-help blog for self treatment and exercises for any musculoskeletal pain or injury. Worth a look if you have any injuries or niggles.
Thanks for the list!
Great list once again! Many of these blogs were what inspired me to create my blog http://www.barefootbeginnings.net. I will come back to this and check out the blogs that I haven’t yet heard of!
Great list Brendan, I’ll look forward to checking these out. Thanks for your hard work!
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Thanks a lot, Brendan! I’m glad to be on your great list!
Brendan I’m truly honoured that you have included me on this wonderful list amongst many other life changing inspiring blogs. A big thank you!
Hi, Brendan!
Nice job on this list. Hoping to see my own blog nononsenseselfdevelopment.com in a list like sometimes in the future 🙂
Another amazing list! 🙂 Good to see Tynan, and Sebastian Marshall on it!
You give us the top quality site for self improvement and i feel happy to get the blogs. Thanks for sharing.
I’m sorry, but how can you know in January what the best ‘anything’ for the entire year will be? It hasn’t happened yet.
I am always looking for great blogs to help me and my audience. Thanks for the list Brendan.
Great list!
This list is 100% on point! All of which I visit often. Great post.
Hi Brendan, thanks for the effort and time you have put into compiling this list. It’s a very helpful list and I can’t wait to get started on checking out these sites! With some effort hopefully I can make it into your list next year! 🙂
Hey, you cheated — there are 101 blogs on this list! haha
I’m glad to see Marie Forleo, Jenny Blake, and a few other blogs that I recommended. I’ll be on this list in 2015 and beyond. Guaranteed!
Wow! An impressive list there! I’m a Nigerian battling challenges to keep my blog floating. Seeing this list inspires me. I hope to be worthy of such honour one of these days. Keep up the good work.
Great job putting this list together Brendan and I must say I’m very impressed with Aha!Now
Another chance to discover some more blog in the niche
Happy New Year
Hi Brendan,
That’s a great list, and I know many of those blogs, indeed. Apparently you don’t know mine, though. I promise it’s not a bad one either, so if you want to visit one day, I’ll be glad to have you there.
Thanks to being included on this list again. It must have taken a long time to put together, but just one thing – my pagerank is listed as 2, when it is 3 and my alexa ranking is actually higher than the number listed, which leads me to think you pulled my stats from a while ago.
Anyway, thanks again and I will go through this list and find some new blogs to check out!
Hi Brendan,
This is really a surprise. 🙂
You’ve really compiled a comprehensive list of personal developments blogs, many of which are known to me,while the others I’m surely going to check out as and when possible and learn from them.
I truly believe that knowledge and information should be free, and the Internet is facilitating that in a big way. Thanks for this great list of resources.
I thank you so much for having my blog in the top 10 of your best personal development blogs of the year. I’m really grateful for this honor, however, I believe each one in this great list is the best for someone or the other, and in someway or the other.
Having said all that, it does bring a feeling of elation to be in a “Top-list”. Thanks again for giving the opportunity to brush sides with all the greats of personal development,and congratulations to all those who made it here too 🙂
Bless you,
Hi Brendan
Thanks for putting this awesome list together. As Jim Rohn said if you want more you have to become more.
You’ve compiled a wonderful resource for personal development, helping us all become more.
Congratulations to everyone who made the Top 100.
I’ll be writing a lot more about Jim Rohn here http://www.paul-guilfoyle.com/personal-development/jim-rohn
and perhaps about others mentioned in the Top 100.
Thanks again,
Thanks for doing this, Brendan.
I really appreciate this as a resource for other self-improvement blogs. I also look at it as a goal for next year! I know there is a lot of fierce competitors on here, but I’m eager to put in the time to grow my blog to be one of these top 100 blogs.
As for the ones I personally enjoy the most, I really enjoy Paid to Exist, ImpossibleHQ, Live Your Legend, and Steve Pavlina. These have been instrumental to my improvement and realizing the path I’m meant to tread.
Thanks again, Brendan!
Hi Brendan, I’m honoured to be included in such exalted company. This must be a gigantic task and you deserve huge kudos for the time and effort involved, not to mention gratitude, since I now have more inspiration to draw from in living my life.
Did you actually read every one of these…my enquiring mind at work! How long did it take for you to put this list together?
Thank you for this awesome compilation.
Thank you Brendan,
for making focused work even harder this year 😉
You really compiled a great list here and even though I know some of the blogs listed, I did get new insights and started following new blogs! I have no favorite blog, but I usually get the most value of blogs like yours, blog that are very targeted about a topic that has caught my interest for a specific amount of time.
I’m looking forward to see you crush 2014!
All the best,
Thank you so much for including Powered by Intuition again this year.
I know this is a monumental task and I want you to know how much I appreciate your efforts!
It’s a privilege to be on the list.
Congratulations to all the great bloggers listed here.
Best wishes for a wonderful new year.
Hi Brendan,
So so happy to be in your awesome list 🙂 I love how you have showcased so many beautiful blogs in this list. Awesome resource for sure.
Thank you for this!
Much Love,
I have to be honest and say that I could care less where I’m listed in this kind of thing, although I prefer your method to that of getting people to vote which boils down to a who is prepared to beg and cajole their readers the most and I hate doing that.
Having said that I appreciate being included and it has exposed me to some blogs I’d never heard of including some at the top like 2,7, 8 and 9.
Note to self for 2014, take more notice of your own industry!
Awesome Brendan!! Thank you so much for having Personal Excellence on your list; will be sharing this as one of my points in my current blogging course too to my participants. I’ll personally be referring to this list as a benchmark for my blog’s growth this year too!
(Sorry was using a different e-mail which wasn’t registered with gravatar; please delete my previous comment!)
Awesome Brendan!! Thank you so much for having Personal Excellence on your list; will be sharing this as one of my points in my current blogging course too to my participants. I’ll personally be referring to this list as a benchmark for my blog’s growth this year too!
Great work Brendan! Thanks for putting this together. It’s a great resource (and must have been a lot of work!). Also, congrats on your rise in the ranks! I’ll definitely return to do some more reading.
Great list Brendan i enjoyed last year list and this year as well and also the fact that my site (makingmotivation.com)is included in it .Self improvement sites exists for a reason so a big thank you to all who have decided to take a leadership in role in this step and to all visitors like myself who always have a reason to come back and visit such sites because of the uplifting messages it has to offer – words are the most powerful drug use by mankind so its important that our message is positive and can have a profound effect on one’s life.
One Love !
Hi Brendan,
Congrats for this list, great job. Also, I’m puzzled to see my blog on the list, again. Honored and humbled 🙂
Thank you!
Thanks a lot, Brendan! I’m glad to be on your great list!
You know what’s great about this, Brendan? I’d been blogging for years, and although I thought the content was great, it hadn’t been getting much traction. When I saw the 2013 list about three months ago, it spurred me to get better at the things that attract a stronger readership.
So of course I’m happy to have made this list, and thrilled with many of the connections I’ve made, including you. Some great content from my colleagues in self-development.
It’s also given me a specific outcome to strive for, which is the top 10 on the 2015 version of this list. So…away I go!!! 🙂
Thank you very much Brendan.
A great list and I appreciate you including my Forward Steps blog in the line up.
Hey, thanks for the shout-out. Check out sebastianmarshall.com — he’s the only one missing that really deserves to be here.
Thanks Brendan – for your commitment to this yearly resource, and for including me on the list. It’s always a pleasure to be in such good company!
Wow! Thank you SO much Brendan – I am honored and humbled to have IGG included in this impressive list of personal growth blogs.
Wow! What an amazing list. I’m currently going through all of them now. Jodi Chapman posted on Facebook about this list, so of course I had to check it out.
Steve Pavlina is a huge influence in my life. I don’t know him personally, but his blog is the reason I decided to take the plunge towards self employment. He certainly knows his stuff.
Another year, and another excellent job Brendan! I’m sure it’s tough to sort through the thousands of self improvement blogs out there and choose just 100 of them! Thank you for choosing Deep Existence. I’ll start working right away to try to make the 2015 list! 😀
This is such a wonderful list. It will cut down my research time dramatically. I read several of these blogs but cannot wait to dig into the others. A newer blog that I hope to see on here next year is http://happentoyourcareer.com
Brendan, you are so kind, so generous, so considerate and so thoughtful to do this list, to put the work behind it and share it so openly and my gosh, SO SWEET to include my baby, especially after the huge makeover to Gensis/StudioPress. Thank you and I DREAM of spending NYE on the Sydney Harbor. Been there many times but never on Dec 31st. Happy new year and to a great year!
Hey Brendan,
Great job compiling another massive resource full of very cool blogs. Thanks very much for including me also.
I love the direction your site is taking btw. I liked your old site, but this new version is much more professional than a simple blog.
It’s interesting to see who rose and fell when looking at the list for 2013. Congrats to everyone on the list! They deserve it for providing such great information. Thanks to you too for sharing this. Found a couple new blogs to follow!
Hi, I am in the self help niche and my blog site is http://www.abundancebrains.com
My Alexa Ranking is 288,956. Is it possible to include mine?
Great list Brendan!
I’ll be shooting for this myself next year!
I’m an avid reader of several of these sites and they continue to inspire me and give me much fuel.
I know a few of the bloggers but will check out the others. Congrats everyone.
Hi Brendan,
This is an amazing list of blogs that you’ve put together. So proud to be part of such an amazing group. Wishing you a very happy 2014!!
All the best,
Always wonderful to make your list, Brendan! Thanks so much and I’m looking forward to the Launch Your Life Academy!
Hey Brendan, a big hug to you for this amazing labor of love. Compilation is hard work and I appreciate you for putting this list together.
I am honored to be included in it. I know most of these bloggers and feel blessed to be at the receiving end of their wisdom. Very hard to pick favorites.
Thanks! And may all your dreams come true in 2014!
With love,
Woohoo! Glad to be on the list! I started mine a month after your 2013 list was published so of course, I wasn’t anywhere to be seen.
Happy New Year, Brendan.
Thank you so much for putting this list together and for honoring these wonderful blogs in this way! I’m honored to have made the list!
Happy new year!
Congratulations Jodi, you deserve it! A great list of resources here! x
Hi Brendan,
Thank you for compiling this list of top personal blogs once again! I know it’s quite a huge endeavor and I appreciate how you put your heart and your all into it.
Two of my favorite blogs are Zen Habits and Be More with Less. I appreciate the way they blend simplicity and focusing on the quality of your being at the same time.
I’m so honored that my blog (Always Well Within) was included in this list! Thank you!
Wishing you the best and brightest year ever.
I truly appreciate the information provided by the compiling this list, because it has help me with some guide in providing unique style in this niche. Congratulation on your blog listed
Great information Brendan. Those blogs are still gold.
Have you updated the list recently? Maybe we already have new blogs that should enter the list
Congrats and I hope to be there too someday within a few years. I am doing all the right things and trying to stay dedicated and true to my vision. Any tips for a relatively new beginner?
I’m trying to promote my blog that I just started! If you don’t mind can you please check it out .. And leave your honest thoughts or just any comments! Thank you 🙂
Amazing list of blogs. I liked it. Try the below blog too. It is good.