Take the Pledge

Take The Start of Happiness Pledge!

pledge to live a super-happy and fulfilling life by doing what I absolutely love every single day for the rest of my life while also positively impacting those I connect with. I choose to be happy, I choose to love fully, I choose to smile to the World (and secretly look forward to the World smiling back at me!). I pledge to Start the Happiness fully in my life and WILL Change the World by spreading the happiness, one smile at a time.

Nice work!


Contribute to the Start of Happiness

The Start of Happiness is a place for community – where anyone from anywhere in the world can share what they have learned about happiness, peak performance, success and life and how they have applied this to their everyday life.

If you have a story to tell or have learned a way of applying awesomeness in your everyday life, then I (and the world) would love to hear from you.

Now that you have taken the pledge, why not Start the Happiness now? Sharing your story or something that you have learned to apply to your everyday life that helps you be super-happy is something worth letting others know about, allowing you to Start the Happiness in the lives around you and change the world! You don’t have to be an expert blogger or writer. This is a place of sharing real-life experiences and learnings with people from all over the world. If you would like to spread the happiness and share your story or your thoughts, I would love to share your contribution on the Start of Happiness. I will include a bio and link to your blog or website.

To contribute, please send your submission in a Word document with 500 words ore more to brendan@startofhappiness.com

Please feel free to email me and bounce some ideas around if you’re not too sure!

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