I will be updating this post each day for the next 14 days with the challenges and my successes/failures.
Please see the bottom of this post for the latest daily challenges.
Please see the comments below for my successes/failures or visit our Facebook Page!
How are you going? Would love to hear your experiences in the comments!
Hi Guys,
If you have read this week’s Life and Happiness Survey results, you would have seen that more than half of the responses indicated that they are currently feeling unhappy in life. This just amazed me more than half is just a crazy figure! I can understand that some people are going through difficult circumstances, but for more than half the people that responded to indicate that they are unhappy is very concerning.
After seeing these results, it is so clear that there is no better time than now to change your life and also change the world. I couldn’t have thought of a better time to run another Happiness Challenge. The good thing is, you don’t have to wait… it starts tomorrow!
Ready for our Next Happy Challenge?
I’m springing this one on you fast!
I am super-excited to be letting you all know about the 14-day Kindness Challenge, starting from tomorrow, the 1st November and going all the way through for 2 weeks straight until the 14th November!
A few weeks ago on The Start of Happiness, I launched our very first Happy Challenge, where we were required to perform Random Acts of Kindness for 7 days straight. The rules were simple:
- Perform at least one random act of kindness per day, for the next 7 days.
- You cannot perform a random act of kindness for the same person twice (well, you can, but you also need to ensure you do a random act of kindness for 7 different people!)
- You cannot perform the same random act of kindness twice.
Our good friend, Celes Chua who you might remember from our post: 27 Experts Share Their Thoughts on Starting Happiness in Their Own Lives is taking the Random Acts of Kindness Challenge to a whole new level.
Based out of Singapore, she has already got more than 500 participants from around the Globe registered and local media attention.
Knowing Celes and her work, I couldn’t resist but want to help her out and build momentum for the challenge. It links in absolutely perfectly with the Happy Challenges we conduct here at The Start of Happiness, and is the perfect evolution to the Random Acts of Kindness Challenge we conducted in September.
Recapping What You Can Expect from our Happy Challenges
What you can expect from the Happy Challenges:
• Find out what truly makes you happy
• Make a difference in the life of others
• Try new experiences
• Challenge yourself
• Build connections with others
• Enjoy your life
• Have loads of fun!
Momentum is a beautiful thing. Start the Happiness by taking action and feel the momentum start to build.
How is the 14 Day Kindness Challenge different?
The good thing is, Celes as one of our experts, has already gained media attention and has a large number of participants.
The rules are similar to our Random Acts of Kindness challenge, however it is for a longer period and there will be individuals from all over the world blogging about their experiences.
And to set an example and ensure I’m going to take action, I’ll be one of them!
I highly encourage you to also take part. Celes is asking people to blog about their experiences, however as the challenge commences tomorrow, I understand this may be difficult for many of you to setup in time.
Instead, I highly encourage you to take part and write about your experiences in the comments section below!
What’s Next?
If you haven’t already, make sure you join The Start of Happiness to ensure you are regularly kept up to date with the highest quality content for living a successful, happy and fulfilling life.
Join The Start of Happiness Facebook page where I will be providing my daily updates and I hope you can too.
I will be providing a weekly wrap-up as a blog post here at the half-way mark after 7 days, and a full wrap-up at the end of the challenge after 14 days.
Get excited, get prepared, and I’m looking forward to Starting the Happiness with you!
P.S. If you haven’t yet checked out the Life and Happiness Survey results, you can check them out here!
P.P.S. If you’re keen to change the world and spread the happiness, please share via one of the share buttons below!
‘Like’ and Subscribe to our Facebook page and get inspirational quotes and inspirational pictures straight to your feed! Share the Happiness with your friends!.The Challenges and Results!
Note, for full details on these challenges, please visit the Kindness Challenge.Day 1
Task: Hug 3 People
Day 2
Task: Give Up Your Seat to Someone Who Needs it More Than You
Day 3
Task: Write 3 Thank-You Notes to 3 People You Appreciate
Day 4
Task: Sign Up for Volunteer Work (On Top of Whatever You Have Been Doing)
Day 5
Task: Give Genuine Compliments to at Least One Person
Day 6
Task: Talk to At least One Person You Don’t Normally Talk To
Day 7
Task: Make a Donation
Day 8
Task: Pick Up Litter
Day 9
Task: Write a Letter to Someone That Has Made a Difference In Your Life
Day 10
Task: Send Flowers to Someone
Day 11
Task: Be Kind to Someone You Dislike
Day 12
Task: Forgive Someone
Day 13
Task: Give someone a treat… that is, treat someone to something nice!
Day 14
Task: TBA on 14th November
My Day 5 to Day 11 Results can be found at the link below this message!
Day4: Failed but see my post as per below.
Day5: Complimented colleagues at work
Day6: Spoke to plenty of people I don’t normally speak to! Perfect day for this one.. I was out at the Races (horse races) with plenty of people around.
Day 3: Thanked my girlfriend for being awesome and providing me a lovely birthday weekend.
Thanked Celes who is running the 14-day challenge.
Thanked a reader who sent me an extremely nice email.
Aw thank you Brendan for your thank-you. I had responded over Twitter but thought I should leave a personal comment here as well. Thanks a lot for blogging about your journey and sharing your results with your readers too! I’ve no doubt that you are inspiring them to be kinder person yourself. 😀 (Evident from the comments they have been leaving too!)
Hi to all the readers at Start of Happiness! Thanks for your interest in the Kindness Challenge and hope you’ll join all of us in the remaining 7 days of the challenge (it’s Day 7 as I’m typing this; Day 7 is on making a donation, which you can read more via the link below).
Day1: hugged my mum, dad and little sister!
Day2: allowed another person to take the set on the train i was standing next to
Day3: thanked my mumnand my two best friends
Im ready for Day 4!
You’re on fire so far, Natalie!
Keep up the great work… you’re making a difference to the lives of others.
Hi Brendan
I like the idea, I was practicing some of the ideas last year, like sending out thank you notes, smiling at people you pass on the street and saying hello ( that’s acceptable where I live) But your article reminded me that I’d forgotten to keep up the thank you notes, for no appearent reason. made me think that I should create a list of things I should be doing, and have it in front my computer as a reminder.
One of my best thank you notes was one I’d sent to my doctor, I simply thank her for all the treatment over the years. I did this because I realised, she’s not to know if the prescribed treatments worked. When my wife next called in to see her she mentioned the thank you card and said that no one had ever written to thank her before and how it gave her a big boost. Hearing that was my reward.
Hi Mike,
That’s such a great idea around the thank you card for your doctor! Very true in that many doctors may not know if treatment works… I’ve never thought about that.. one for me to put down on my to-do list as well!
Hope you can keep up with the challenges 🙂
Ooo I’m a little late on the game, but I think I can catch up on kindness! Looking forward to this project 🙂
Never too late, Kate! 🙂
How have you gone so far? Looking forward to hearing about them!
DAy 2: I didn’t actually think I’d be able to do this one given the environment I was in today, however a meeting popped up with 4 people and only 2 chairs. BOOM! What better way to start the day then offer up my seat. DONE!
Day 1: Went to the Bank Teller today and gave her a hug… why not! She loved it! Further details in my half-way wrap up after Day 7.
Hi Brendan, thanks a lot for blogging about the challenge! 😀 Hopefully this will spur and inspire your readers to take part too. Look forward to an exciting 14 days ahead with you and everyone! 😀
Hi Celes,
No worries, it’s going to be an awesomely exciting 14 days!