Do you want to be a millionaire?
Sure you do! Who doesn’t?
We know that money can’t buy happiness, but in saying that, money is still useful. Money gives you the ability to continue doing what you love. The work that you are doing on a daily basis should be what you love doing. To be able to continue doing what you love, you need to be able to earn an income from doing it.
This is why I think money is actually really valuable and does have its place in happiness. The key is to earn that income from doing what you love, instead of earning that income stressing yourself out doing something you dislike.
This leads us to our first point below. In this post, I’ve distilled the 6 things that all millionaires do to ensure they succeed.
Millionaires Do What They Love
This is a key attribute of millionaires. You can become a millionaire from doing something you do not like, but you’ll never reach happiness. On the other hand, becoming a millionaire from doing what you love is what it’s all about… your whole journey will be wrapped in happiness.
The thing about doing what you love is that it’s not just a saying that you keep hearing over and over. It actually has a number of benefits.
Doing what you love will enhance your productivity, it will increase your motivation, it will enable you to be more focused and you will be more energised. This then has a flow on effect to all other areas of your life… that energy that you create within yourself will be fed to the world and those with a similar energy will be drawn to you.
I can’t stress it enough, but doing what you love and earning an income from something you are passionate about is fundamental to success, particularly if you want to be a millionaire.
Millionaires Set Goals
I’m surprised that most people do not actually set goals. I know a lot of people will think they have set a goal because they have a rough idea of an outcome in their head, but it’s not really a goal that has been worked through and really thought out. I sometimes continue to do this myself… and it’s pretty obvious when it happens because the goal is never achieved.
All millionaires set goals. They don’t just stumble onto success and their fortune (we’re talking self-made millionaires here). Millionaires have a clear vision for what it is that they want to achieve and how much they want to make.
If you’re wondering why you haven’t been seeing results like you thought you would, perhaps ask yourself whether your goal is really clear, written down and well thought-through.
Millionaires Make Themselves Accountable to Others
Millionaires surround themselves with supportive, engaging and energising people whom can keep them accountable.
Being accountable to others has been proven to be one of the most effective ways of staying on task and continuing to be productive.
Do you notice that when you have something in your diary, perhaps a meeting to attend, a social function to attend or an assignment that is due, that you become much more highly focused, disciplined and productive to ensure you are on time and delivering to your best abilities?
This is because you are accountable to someone else. It’s human nature that we do not want to let someone else down or to embarrass ourselves in anyway, hence why we show up and give it our all.
This is a core reason why I’m about to create a private community to keep each other accountable.
Surround yourself with a great team. Find a group or another person that can hold you accountable to your goals. Your success will be set to skyrocket.
Millionaires Take Massive Action
This is a pretty straight-forward one. Millionaires take action. In fact, millionaires take massive action.
When the above 3 elements are all present (doing what you love, clear vision and goal, being accountable to others) it’s hard not to take massive action.
The key thing is that if you do today what you have always done, then tomorrow you will get what you have always gotten. It’s about taking the steps in a new direction and moving towards your goal.
I really don’t want my articles on The Start of Happiness to become ‘shelf-help’. These articles I provide are to help you take action… so please, stay accountable to me and let me know that you’re going to take action on something that’s important to you.
Millionaires Get Coaching
Similar to staying accountable to others, millionaires get coaching.
Coaching is one of the most effective strategies for anyone looking to rapidly shorten their learning curve and accelerate their results. Millionaires love to learn and they love to test their limits. Coaching can be one of the best tools for helping them to do this.
I know from my own personal experience that the times I have been coached are the times that I have dramatically accelerated my learning and enhanced my results. There’s always a right time for coaching, and that time is always now.
Millionaires Invest in Their Own Education
Education is king when it comes to success in any area of life. Millionaires know this and millionaires realise the importance of investing in their own education to ensure they have the knowledge and capabilities to succeed.
As mentioned above, coaching is a great way of investing in education, however there are other avenues that millionaires also embrace when it comes to education such as books, courses or seminars.
Thinking about your own life, how do you invest in yourself? What (and who) are the sources of information you learn from? What new opportunities might there be to educate yourself and ensure you are successful in your pursuits?
Your Thoughts?
What are your thoughts on the 6 key things that millionaires do to ensure they succeed?
What strategies or behaviours do you think millionaires do to succeed?
What are you currently applying in your life?
Please, leave your comments below… I’d love to hear your thoughts!
P.S. As a heads up, the price of the Launch Your Life Academy is increasing in January, so if you want to get a head start on 2015 and hit the ground running I highly recommend that you join now.
P.P.S. I’m currently pulling together the Top 100 Personal Development Blogs for 2015. If you know of a great personal development blog that you want me to consider, please let me know!
Well said I apricate your thoughts. I will use your article on my blogs and will give a link to you…….. Keep going dear
Thanks for a great post, Brendan.
Some of my mentors are millionaires. They have said that the key is to identify which income generating tasks that you are really good at, and that only you can do. The rest of the tasks can be outsourced, or you can hire a consultant to do it for you.
In addition, to be able to learn from your own mistakes, and have the tenacity to keep moving towards your goal, whether you feel like it or not, are also important strategies.
Tor Refsland
Great additions!
I love the fact of focusing what you’re good at and only what you can do… very strategic and wise!
Brendan, thanks for inspiring all of the would-be millionaires with these strategies. Millionaires certainly do invest in their own education. They sacrifice money and time. They take financial risks so that they can achieve their goals. Many would-be millionaires are held back by this one strategy – they are not prepared to take risks or to invest in a mentor, which of course is costly. I think one of the most important characteristics of millionaires is that they are very POSITIVE people. They dream big, as would-be millionaires do, but the big difference is that a real millionaire believes that dreams can become a reality. For everyone wanting to be included in the millionaire ranks, dream big, stay positive, believe in yourself and take risks. Thanks Brendan.
Hey Erral and Jenna,
Very well said!
It really is a mindset thing isn’t it? It’s all about belief, optimism, persistence and learning as much as you can.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Great article Brendan, thank you! I used to think that personal development was only for those who didn’t have it “figured out” already but I’m realizing more and more that the opposite is true – the happiest and most successful people are the most active students of personal development!
Very, VERY true!
I’ve noticed that very successful people are HEAVILY involved in personal development. It’s a part of life and a part of who you become. It’s about continual growth, continually pushing your boundaries and continually striving for more.
For those that haven’t “figured it out” as you say, personal development can often be the door of opportunity they have been hoping for. It’s just a matter of whether people see that opportunity, take it and implement it into their own life.