This is a guest post by Nash Ryker
Well, each of the ingredients of my special sauce isn’t really a “secret” in and of themselves.
But they certainly are the secret combination to how I overcame the overwhelming failures and struggles I’ve went through in my past, and to go on to create a life that I truly enjoy that’s now full of peace, , true happiness, prosperity and personal fulfillment doing what I love and finally making a difference in the world.
Only a few short years ago I was broke, homeless, depressed and even suicidal because of the rock-bottom place I found my life in at the time. Through a series of bad decisions and business failures I had let my whole life go to the crapper. I ended up losing everything I own, and was forced to pick up the pieces of my broken life and hope I could find a way to get moving forward again.
But with the Awesome-sauce I’m about to share with you here – even that level of despair couldn’t keep me down.
Keep reading if you want to learn the 2 most powerfully effective weapons I’ve discovered for overcoming challenges, fear, doubt and poverty while also having the opportunity to make a positive impact on the world…
‘Secret Sauce’ Ingredient #1: Meaningful Contribution
“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of others.” ― Charles Dickens
One of the common fundamental driving forces of human behavior is Compassion, and offering meaningful contribution to the lives of others gives us great reward when we choose to help out our fellow humans in some valuable, deep or profound way.
But for me, this kind of experience was only every now and then. Like when a friend is having relationship issues and I’m able to offer support or good advice at just the right time they needed it, or when I’ve given to some charity or cause.
I’m sure you’ve experienced similar situations before.
A big turning point in my life though, was when it dawned on me that possibly I could find a career or business that allowed me to help people in a meaningful way, and actually earn a living from it at the same time.
I had no idea what or how that would come about, but of course I turned to the internet to look for answers. What I discovered was highly inspirational to me, and helped me to identify and determine a much truer and fulfilling path available for me to follow.
I discovered that countless thousands of people around the world, such as bloggers, vloggers, coaches, consultants, writers, speakers, artists, etc. – were earning an abundant living by engaging in work they love doing, and sharing their natural gifts, talents, passions and creativity with those who would benefit most from what they had to offer.
In contrast to the many trivial and mind-numbing jobs I’ve had in past, this route was obviously a much more fulfilling and exciting direction to go in.
So that’s what I did!
Now, I’d like to say that wealth, freedom and abundance came right away to me when I made that decision – but that’s not how it happened. It took me quite awhile to really hone in on how exactly I could use my skills, talents and gifts to serve humanity and actually make money from it.
Through lots of trial and error and false-starts, I finally discovered what really lights me up, gets me passionate, and allows me to deliver meaningful and lasting contribution into the lives of other people – which is business coaching for mission-driven entrepreneurs and change-makers.
Helping other aspiring solopreneurs and heart-centered small business owners to fulfill their own dreams, goals and mission is what I’ve found to be my own personal mission to help improve the lives of others and make this world a better place.
I’ve since learned that I would’ve saved myself years of struggle and failure if I had hired a coach myself early on to help me identify and put into action the skills, talents and gifts I had waiting to be shared. Therefore, I take great pride in the fact that I can help others save time and avoid much confusion and frustration by offering them a caring outside perspective on their situation, and help them make more effective and powerful decisions toward their goals.
This leads me into the second ingredient of unstoppable personal power…
‘Secret Sauce’ Ingredient #2: Be Mission-Driven
“A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.” – Mahatma Gandhi
I’m a huge fan of “conscious entrepreneurship” and the transformational impact it’s having on humanity and our planet.
Just to clarify, my definition of a conscious entrepreneur is one who makes their living through valuable service to others, while also striving to have 100% conscious awareness of the level of contribution, effectiveness, efficiency and personal fulfillment in each area of their life and business. A self-employed person who uses their business as way to fulfill a higher mission or humanitarian cause they believe in, while earning a living doing it. They embrace both money AND meaning in everything they do, because of a passion for helping others and improving our planet.
In short, I feel it’s one of the most rewarding and fulfilling ways for people to earn a living in this world, and I’m glad to see this trend is on the rise.
Just imagine what our world could be like if the majority of us humans each had a personal mission that we’re passionate about contributing to daily. What would happen if most people cared more about serving, uplifting, supporting and helping their fellow men and women, instead of caring more about pop-culture crap, watching TV, or otherwise frivolously spending their time on things that don’t benefit them or anyone else?
I’ve come to the conclusion that having a worthy personal mission to sell-out to, based on your core values, is one of the single most powerful ways we can use to guide our life and decisions by. There are thousands of missions out there that you can make your own, such as promoting sustainability and environmental awareness, healthy eating, saving animals – or anything else where there is a great need in the world.
Our values and our mission become kind of like a compass that always helps us make better decisions, and tells us if we’re on track in the direction we want our life to go in.
No matter what you choose, there’s always a way to offer some kind of meaningful contribution to that mission daily, and even to turn it into a passionate career that pays you a nice livelihood.
Not only that, but having a mission you truly care about will fill you with energy, commitment, passion and determination to overcome any and all obstacles that come your way, and will help you to become inspired again if you happen to be going through a particularly rough time.
What’s Your Mission?
So let me ask – have you identified a mission that you are passionate about contributing to daily? If so, please share it in the comments so we can see what good is being created in the world!
And if you haven’t yet, share with us why not and what you think may be stopping you from doing so. Maybe we can help with some inspiration or advice to help you get started on it.
Nash Ryker is a transformational business coach who passionately works with entrepreneurs and small business owners to help them make more money, help more people, and impact the world in a bigger way. Click here to download his free training guide and workbook called “Getting Unstuck”: 26 Essential Elements to Having More Clients, More Profits, More Freedom, More Impact & More Personal Fulfillment as a Mission-Driven Conscious Entrepreneur
Thanks for the post. I awesome. I don’t have my mission jet. I’m working on it. I know that of course it would have to do with helping people, communicating (oral and written) and technology. Maybe what is keeping me from getting there is anxiety. I want to have results fast and the lack of patience don’t allow me to listen to myself.
Hi Diana,
That’s great that you’re on the path to figuring out your mission. The perfect starting point. A good question to ask yourself is ‘What Problem Can You Help Others With?’
Patience is a virtue 🙂